I loved this meme from Hollie. I struggle with forgiving myself. I can't quite believe that I'm really ok with God, even though He manifests that he loves me all the time, esp. in the temple that time when the message I got was that He wanted me to be free. So what is everything that I am? Can't say everything because nobody can ever be fully defined. But I am a person who genuinely wants what is right. I don't enjoy hurting people. I want peace. I love beauty. I want to learn and do everything in the world. I've been hurt--and I think I should be long ago recovered and that I should have acted much differently than I did and than I do now. But I am trying to face the things that scare me and do the right thing. I long for the Savior to come again. I will honestly try to do an be anything just to have his approval.
You know what? That sounds like I'm a good person. And I guess I really am. I'm just not a perfect one, or more maddening, the one I imagine that I ought to be. But who says my imagination is right? Only God knows what was really possible given the circumstances of my life. I certainly don't and it's not necessary to judge myself. It's only necessary to do what God would want me to do at this moment in my life.
OKAY--onto rock climbing. I have learned something. Fat people do not rock climb. I got to try it at a conference in Wyoming. Oh my! It's super hard. I could climb a very little on the baby wall, and I learned to belay which was cool, but on the big walls, I couldn't do it at all. I just don't have the strength, but I'd love to try again. I don't think it's possible to be overweight and rock climb too. The back of my arms are aching today. A little rock climbing will certainly help old lady flappy arms. I'm pleased that I tried, and I'm pleased that I could at least do the baby wall---I really wish the uber simple wall was taller. I'm going to take a closer look at the Weber State rock climbing wall and I'm going to try little walls when I see them at playgrounds and such.
It's memorial day weekend and I plan to have a very happy one.
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