Well, I must be doing something right. I hiked to the first bridge on the way to waterfall canyon today and it was pretty easy. There have been times when that was a tough little hike. Today it was easy. I would have loved to have gone all the up to the waterfall, but didn't dare to. My arthritic knees dont bother me too much in regular life, but that hike above the bridge is all uneven rocks and slippery shale--up is fine, but down was a serious problem last time. I didn't want to risk a turned ankle and wrecked knees the week before the marathon. I brought a granola bar to eat at the bridge, but didn't eat it. Better yet, I hardly thought about eating it. I didn't have to check in with my hunger or any of that. I just didn't want it. Nice! I've exactly what I wanted for both breakfast and lunch and tonight we're going to a work social for Dave. Normally, I'd be too excited about the food that might be there--but not today. I'm sure it will be good and I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but I'm not fantasizing about it or looking forward to it with too much enthusiasm.
And now a word about olive oil. I'm trying an experiment. On weight watchers youre supposed to have 2 tsp of healthy oil every day. I never did that figuring I usually had more than enough fats in my diet healthy and otherwise. Well, while I was on WW I begin to experience overactive bladder. These symptoms seemed to ease up whenever I was off plan. It's been much better with IE, but not back to normal--especially if there's ever a time when I eat lightly. I have no idea if a lack of healthy fat can trigger an overactive bladder--and I still maintain that I eat more than enough fats--but I'm trying the ww suggestion of making sure I have 2 tsp of healthy oil a day--usually in the form of olive oil that I eat with bread. Too early to tell if it makes a difference. I sure hope so. It would be an easy and pleasant fix.
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